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Author: ronharpersrealty Subject: Important Tips The Marriage Agencies Never Tell You

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Registered: 05-08-2003
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posted on 05-10-2003 at 20:27 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Important Tips The Marriage Agencies Never Tell You

I want to share with you information that the Russian
marriage agencies don't tell you on their web sites.
Many of the dating agencies tout, how young Russian
women are so family oriented and will make wonderful
wives and family partners.
This causes many foreign men to dream about the perfect
family! A family that they have already built up in
their own imagination.
Every man who has seen the Russian dating agency ads
and believes in them completely, has built up in his mind,
and has created his own fantasy, of what a future family
with a Russian women, will be.

If the man's dreams are based on a foundation the
marriage agency has constructed and no on a healthy
dose of common sense, then, most likely the relationship
is at great risk of disappointment and inevitable,

The dating services help bring you together, they
do not help you to stay together !
It is not their job to make your relationship last,
so they don't bother to warn you of the many pitfalls
that can become you and destroy your marriage.
What do you expect of your new Russian bride
and what do you really know about her??

I want to give you an example how you can read into the
marriage agency advertising using a critical eye and
common sense.
Try this:
Go to any marriage dating agency and following their
procedure to join.
Look at Russian women from 21 to 25 years old..
Pay close attention to what these women have written
in their bio s..

Do you see anything in common???
Of course you is very obvious !
Ninety percent if not more of these women have written
that they have a bachelor degree. They just finished or
going to finish their educational requirements.
Ask yourself, WHY?

If all the dating agencies are telling you that all
Russian women are very family oriented and in most
cases live to serve their husband and children,
why would they spend 10 years in school and from 4-7
years at the university, getting a degree ?

Why would these young women spend the biggest part
of their young life studying so hard if they are so
family oriented ?
Why not, instead, go take domestic courses such as
cooking and sewing and child rearing?

Do these women, who have spent the better part of
their young lives dedicated to getting a higher
education, look as women who are preparing themselves
to be housewives and mothers and not have a
professional career??? is look little bit like the opposite ...
if not more...

Here is another question:
Compared to the United States, how many children
are in the average Russian family?
Is it not unusual to see in the average American
family at least three children. The statistical
average is 2.7 children per family. How you get a 7/10th
of child I don t know, but that is the statistic!

In Russia, to see a family with three children would
be quite a shock, absolutely! It is even unusual to
see a Russian family with two children.
When I just came to USA, I was surprised how many
pregnant women I saw on the streets!
In Russia it is very seldom that you will see a pregnant
woman in public. For the last few generations, Russian
couple produce only one child.
By the way, it is a very big problem in Russia.
That each couple produces only one child, does not
allow the population to grow but rather, stagnate.
To be honest, it is not only a problem for Russia,
but for all European countries.
Are you wondering why most Russian couples have only
one child if Russian women are so extremely family
oriented as the dating agencies promise you?
Why don't they want to have more children?

The reason is not because of a difficult economical
situation, in fact you can see many countries that
have much more difficult economic situations and
these poor families have 5-10 children.
In Russia, even wealthy families have only one child.

I can give you many more examples of what the dating
agencies tell you and what you can see on your own.
Be smart enough to learn about the culture of your
future wife's country and about the circumstances
that she grew up in, before you marry her.
It can prevent you from making many mistakes and
help you to build a happy family with an Russian woman.

Marina Smiley is the author of "Your Russian Bride-
The Shocking Truth"
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posted on 10-10-2003 at 01:49 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

you don't have a good undertstanding of economic situation and culture in Russia.

this article is reduculous!
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posted on 04-18-2004 at 17:11 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
They are different!

There are many Russian women - they are different. No doubt Russian women are better in family life than emancipated AW, but you can find spoiled RW, who will beats any American stinker. Open your eyes and find really lovely Russian woman.
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posted on 04-25-2004 at 02:16 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
I disagree with many of your suppositions!

I disagree with the points suggested by Marina. Why do young women spend their teen and early adult years studying professional courses and attending college? To become educated and self-sufficient is why of course. This happens in almost all advanced nations. Even if you want to be good mother, you should get a good education. Who knows if or when you will find your Soulmate. You will have to have a job before you find him and most likely, even in the USA, for some time after as well.

And her point about why Russian families are small has no conclusion. I personally believe a lot of the reason is due to economic conditions. Another related reason - they don't want the burden of raising 3 or more children alone, without a husband. Much of their motherly needs and goals are satisfied with raising one child or two.

I could go on, but find no need to.

So Marina, if you want to sell your book, which I think is prohibited here anyway, please do not make so many illogical, inconclusive statements in your advertising material.
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posted on 02-01-2005 at 06:40 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Awesome article!

Finally a point of view of the other side.

These Russian women come to the U.S. and see what we have. They soon want to live this lifestyle and will do what they can to be liberated like the other American women.

These Russian Ad agencies have build up fantasies about these women. I have proof because my own father got bought into this scam. How can they prey upon older lonely single men??

The russian bride my father ordered is mean and her daughter is ugly. Sorry, I don't see the hype about these women. I see them as a big joke.

Someone please stop promoting Russian Brides! If no one will, I will continue to write and publish about this. I have politcal connections and soon a PhD after my name. I am sure someone will listen soon enough.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Wendy (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 08-16-2005 at 22:13 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

How funny! I know there are some people out to scam dudes or just using a guy to get a green card but come on! Guys just use you common sense. I suspect this person is really a jealous American cow, not unlike a certain other poster who I won't mention. I WASTED nearly a decade with my American Princess. I worshipped the gound she walked on gave and gave and gave but it was never enough! All the while she was spreadin for every guy that came along. After we split I dated other American cows and got the same results. Now I will gladly take my chances with a beautiful young lady from Ukraine! So long AW!!! I'd rather be alone than deal with any of you again. :D

Oh yeah... If you are a guy who's only motivation is to find some June Cleaver/virtual slave/baby machine..... then you deserve to get scammed! Value a good woman...... there are far too few of them!
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posted on 01-22-2006 at 12:09 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
American Woman stay away from me!

So long AW!!! I'd rather be alone than deal with any of you again. :D

It is a liberating feeling and empowering thing to admit, isn't it?

American woman, stay away from me too!

I'd take one Russian or Ukrainian girl with a good, kind heart over any or all American women, no matter how much money they may have.
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posted on 10-13-2006 at 08:19 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
AW - NOT !!!

There are good and bad women everywhere - talk about your generalities !!!
My own experience: I smoke cigarettes. 9 of 10 AW judge me on that alone. I've had a 48 year old AW woman tell me that I am too old for her - I was 55 at the time. AW are spoiled and materialistic, in my opinion.
I was married to an AW - nice enough but very materialistic and selfish. I was married to a Swiss woman - much better family values. Unfortunately, she didn't like the US and the shallow Americans she met here and went home. We are still friends and have a 14 year old daughter together.
I've been dating only Ukrainian women for 3 years, now and I can't even look at an AW. I have also met some questionable women in Ukraine, but, in the end, it will be my fault if I choose the wrong one.

I have one in Nikolaev I am thinking about marrying. I would rather have 5 years of fun with her than 5 years of misery with an AW feminist. My view.
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posted on 10-13-2006 at 16:00 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

First, let me comment about Marina. I imagine most if not all of us have read her hype. She's making a fast buck on the internet with her books, and obviously learned free enterprise like other russian woman once they live here in the west. She may be russian but she has lost touch with her sisters back home. The best way to learn about russian or ukranian women is (1) just to live there (2) second choice is to meet those already here in the U.S. There are 1000s already divorced floating around on and yahoo personals. I happen to live in the mtro area with thousands of them. I've been married to one, dated 5 others and know at least a dozen more. There is NO difference betwee them and other women except for the accent! These generalities bantered about AW being horrible and russian woman being god-sends is ludricrous. I know great american females and bad ones. I know great russian women and bad ones. It is an even split. Of all the russian/urkranian women I've met, they are just as materialistic as AW, and they admit it. Certainly when they first arrive here, then much of their character from their homeland is intact. However, they become westernized very rapidly. They made $150-$200 a month back home. Now, they are unhappy with $2000-4000 a month. My russian ex-wife makes $40K a year, and says that's not enough and she wants more. She thinks $100K would be good, but when that comes, then it will be $200K. She made $200 a month in russia managing a restaurant. A 55 yo guy I know just married a 35yo ukranian gal who is already planning to leave once she gets her green card. She told me so. She also complains because the man doesn't have a big house like the ones she see here. Good grief. That's after 5 months of living here!

Sorry guys, but many of you don't have a clue about what you're discussing concerning AW versus RW. Many of you have not even been overseas yet to meet any of them. I doubt if you've met any in the states yet either.

If you meet a great RW or UW for marriage then more power to you. I am not opposed to it, but you can also meet great AW too. But to say as a generality that RW or UW are better than AW, then that is simply wrong. Women are women, and once you UNDERSTAND that then you'll be better off and better armed to make an informed decision.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By danno (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 02-07-2007 at 01:54 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
The Russian womans persuit of a higher education!

Maybe Russian women are seeking a higher education because they want to be able to support their families after thier men leave them or start the Russian mans favorite passtime. DRINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted on 03-14-2007 at 03:36 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
My experience

Thank you for this great article. In fact I have often asked myself the same questions.

BUT.... I have problems finding a woman, who wants to work and combine family & job, sharing the duties with a man. I consider myself a handsome man, with a sold base and thus got in contact with quite a few of the ladies.

Many of the women I have been in contact with, are more looking for the classical man-brings-home-the-money relationship and that is definitely not my style.

A few others brought it to the point stating, that they are young, beautiful & want a rich sugar daddy to finance their lifes. I have a handful of written letters, one mentioning very clear that she does not want to "waste" her beauty and work!! (The profile claimed back then, that she was/is co-owner of a marketing agency in Misk - guess where, yes

Unfortunaley those who would share that point of view, the well-famous spark has been missing.

But my search continues and I will succeed!

My 2 cents, hth
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posted on 07-30-2009 at 19:10 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
I have to disagree.

[QUOTE] 'First, let me comment about Marina. I imagine most if not all of us have read her hype. She's making a fast buck on the internet with her books, and obviously learned free enterprise like other russian woman once they live here in the west. She may be russian but she has lost touch with her sisters back home. The best way to learn about russian or ukranian women is (1) just to live there (2) second choice is to meet those already here in the U.S. There are 1000s already divorced floating around on and yahoo personals. I happen to live in the mtro area with thousands of them. I've been married to one, dated 5 others and know at least a dozen more. There is NO difference betwee them and other women except for the accent! These generalities bantered about AW being horrible and russian woman being god-sends is ludricrous. I know great american females and bad ones. I know great russian women and bad ones. It is an even split. Of all the russian/urkranian women I've met, they are just as materialistic as AW, and they admit it. Certainly when they first arrive here, then much of their character from their homeland is intact. However, they become westernized very rapidly. They made $150-$200 a month back home. Now, they are unhappy with $2000-4000 a month. My russian ex-wife makes $40K a year, and says that's not enough and she wants more. She thinks $100K would be good, but when that comes, then it will be $200K. She made $200 a month in russia managing a restaurant. A 55 yo guy I know just married a 35yo ukranian gal who is already planning to leave once she gets her green card. She told me so. She also complains because the man doesn't have a big house like the ones she see here. Good grief. That's after 5 months of living here!

Sorry guys, but many of you don't have a clue about what you're discussing concerning AW versus RW. Many of you have not even been overseas yet to meet any of them. I doubt if you've met any in the states yet either.

If you meet a great RW or UW for marriage then more power to you. I am not opposed to it, but you can also meet great AW too. But to say as a generality that RW or UW are better than AW, then that is simply wrong. Women are women, and once you UNDERSTAND that then you'll be better off and better armed to make an informed decision.' [/QUOTE]

Did you ever stop to think that maybe the women you were dating were stinkers? It has been my first hand experience, that in a situation where an AW would say, "Pfft...whatever"....a good FSU woman would say, "My dear friend, please be careful because XYZ"...(speaking of the friends that I have)

I'm sorry but I have to agree with you, 90% of AW are vapid, self absorbed, and extremely materialistic.
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posted on 08-07-2009 at 19:53 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
alternative view

I've lived there long enough...

why do RW/UW go to college? Ask yourslef why AW go to college. In my place, Bergen county NJ, 99% of hs graduates end up in college. Many pay top $$ for top colleges. But by 30yo 80% of AW become stay-at-home-moms.

Why do RW/UW go to college? Besides a degree, that is where bachelors with degree are. If they do not get married by 25yo, they can miss the train, because majority wed by 25yo. By 30 your only hope are divorsed - I beleive there a stigma in slavic society of unmarried 25 yo,

Why marry so early? I can only guess: lack of perspective. There is nothing to wait for - you're not going to save more or get a career; you just going to get older. Here is a horror story from my experience. I met Svetlana, UW, 25yo. She lives with her parents and adult sister in a sigle room in apartment shared with a similar family. It is desperate enough for her to dream to get out. But it can get worse: her pregnant sis is moving in with her husband into the very same room!!! If she does not get married now, by 30yo she would marry a goat if he can provide for her own room and board. BTW she has college degree and very beautiful, and ~25cm taller than myself.

Emancipation. RW/UW are expected to work. They are brought up that way. They can thank soviets for liberating women to far greater degree than here. But there are few good jobs, especially if you don't have connections. Do not be surprised or alarmed when you spot a "hairdresser with college degree". It is totally ligit. On the other hand if your gal does not want to wark - she is a princess, so just walk away. If you date a stunning, model-type girl, ask yourself if she is spoiled by men. Get real and you'd see that there are legions of normal RW/UW. In my opinion it is far easier to meet great RW/UW than AW.

Her point about children is insane. Differently from India or Nigeria, Russians and Ukranians are EDUCATED. In a right state of mind why would you breed poverty? It is hard to get ends meet even with one child. Plus, there are social and economic instability. To take the edge off, many start to drink or use drugs.

There are scams, there are bitches. There are princesses like AW, but I think their concentration is greater around cities like Kiev, Moscow, St. Pet's. Majority survive on $200 per month, which is enough for bare necessities and not enough to move out from parents - $200 per month do not buy $40k apartment.

I am strong believer that there is far greater number of available (!!!) perfect RW/UW

good luck
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posted on 12-09-2010 at 20:20 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
American women

First I do not know much about all of this except that American women are very special, yes they are different and demanding but I feel that they are the best looking women in the world. I also like Russian women and women from the Ukraine. The point is that no matter where she is from it is up to both of you to make a go of it. We can all tell stories of what may or did happen but the bottom line is how did you treat each other during the time you were together. I think that all dating sites have their downfalls which is what keeps them in business. When we write to these beautiful Russian or Ukraine girls we must keep in mind that they are beautiful and we should treat then well. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We should remember that they are a different sex and they have different feelings, your idea of a carriage may be different then theirs. Your idea may be to take them for a ride on the riding lawnmower pulling a car hood behind you, theirs is of a white carriage that is horse drawn through the country, you get the point

'First, let me comment about Marina. I imagine most if not all of us have read her hype. She's making a fast buck on the internet with her books, and obviously learned free enterprise like other russian woman once they live here in the west. She may be russian but she has lost touch with her sisters back home. The best way to learn about russian or ukranian women is (1) just to live there (2) second choice is to meet those already here in the U.S. There are 1000s already divorced floating around on and yahoo personals. I happen to live in the mtro area with thousands of them. I've been married to one, dated 5 others and know at least a dozen more. There is NO difference betwee them and other women except for the accent! These generalities bantered about AW being horrible and russian woman being god-sends is ludricrous. I know great american females and bad ones. I know great russian women and bad ones. It is an even split. Of all the russian/urkranian women I've met, they are just as materialistic as AW, and they admit it. Certainly when they first arrive here, then much of their character from their homeland is intact. However, they become westernized very rapidly. They made $150-$200 a month back home. Now, they are unhappy with $2000-4000 a month. My russian ex-wife makes $40K a year, and says that's not enough and she wants more. She thinks $100K would be good, but when that comes, then it will be $200K. She made $200 a month in russia managing a restaurant. A 55 yo guy I know just married a 35yo ukranian gal who is already planning to leave once she gets her green card. She told me so. She also complains because the man doesn't have a big house like the ones she see here. Good grief. That's after 5 months of living here!

Sorry guys, but many of you don't have a clue about what you're discussing concerning AW versus RW. Many of you have not even been overseas yet to meet any of them. I doubt if you've met any in the states yet either.

If you meet a great RW or UW for marriage then more power to you. I am not opposed to it, but you can also meet great AW too. But to say as a generality that RW or UW are better than AW, then that is simply wrong. Women are women, and once you UNDERSTAND that then you'll be better off and better armed to make an informed decision.'
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By bob184 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 12-10-2010 at 16:28 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
An important point to make -

You make a really important point there bob. No matter where you are in the world, women are women. It will always depend on their background, the history of their life, their experiences etc. that will determine who they are and what they are like.

You can find a woman in the US who has the same looks, personality, and kindness as someone in the Ukraine - Whether its good or bad. there will always be some women who have good intentions and are just looking for someone to be with, and there will always be women who have an ulterior motive - no matter where you are!!!

Stop thinking one type of woman is better than another just because of where she is from. No matter who it is, you will need to meet her in person before you know if there is chemistry or not, it's just a fact.
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posted on 12-01-2016 at 08:39 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
If you think that

If you think that you should be near at least a beauty queen, bear in mind that the Internet is already vying for her a lot of guys, and this should be ready.
You need to learn and make the effort, great effort.
If you are ready to change themselves and want to master the techniques of how to get acquainted with the girl, then read on.
If you - effeminate diffident creature, if you continue reading forbidden! Please do not waste your time, use it best for its intended purpose.
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posted on 06-30-2020 at 10:35 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
What marriage agencies don't tell you

This topic is like a conspiracy theorist on steroids. Here is the topic's path of reasoning on how marriage or dating agencies are scamming or lying to everyone:

1. Russian (and Ukrainian) women are beautiful.
2. They are beautiful because they take care of themselves.
3. They take care of themselves because they don't want to be housewives.
4. They don't want to be housewives because they are educated.
5. They are educated because they are smart.

To summarize: Intelligent, educated, beautiful women who take care of themselves and dress with style and class do not have the desire to be mothers or wives, and the marriage or dating companies conspire to use these deceitful witches to make money from unsuspecting men online.

And I thought little green men were the conspiracy to avoi.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By ronharpersrealty (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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